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Ruben Gromov

The Cosmic Poetry of Love and Space Dust: A Review and Analysis of David Jones' Epub Book

Love and Space Dust: A Poetic Journey Through the Cosmos

Do you love poetry? Do you love space? Do you love to explore the mysteries of the universe and the depths of your own heart? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you might want to check out Love and Space Dust, a collection of poems by David Jones that will take you on a poetic journey through the cosmos.

love and space dust epub file


In this article, I will tell you everything you need to know about Love and Space Dust, including what it is, who wrote it, and why you should read it. I will also discuss the themes, style, and format of this book, and give you my personal opinion and rating at the end. So, let's get started!

What is Love and Space Dust?

Love and Space Dust is a collection of poems that explores the themes of love, space, and dust. It was published in 2014 by, an online self-publishing platform. The book contains 120 poems that are divided into four sections: Stardust, Falling, Starlight, and Supernova. Each section represents a different stage of love, from attraction to separation, from longing to rebirth.

Who is the author?

The author of Love and Space Dust is David Jones, a poet and writer from Liverpool, England. He is also known as D.J. Hamilton on social media, where he has a large following of fans who appreciate his poetic words. He has written several other books of poetry, such as Eternal Sunshine, Cosmic Girl, and The Universe in Us. He is inspired by science fiction, astronomy, philosophy, and mythology.

Why should you read it?

You should read Love and Space Dust if you are looking for a book that will make you feel inspired, moved, and amazed. This book will appeal to anyone who loves poetry, space, or both. It will also resonate with anyone who has ever experienced love in its various forms: romantic, platonic, familial, or self-love. This book will make you think about your place in the universe, your connection with others, and your own potential.

Main Body

The themes of Love and Space Dust

As the title suggests, Love and Space Dust revolves around three main themes: love, space, and dust. Let's take a closer look at each one.


Love is the most prominent theme in this book. The poems explore different aspects of love, such as attraction, passion, intimacy, commitment, loss, grief, healing, and hope. The poems also show how love can be both beautiful and painful, both uplifting and devastating. Some examples of poems that deal with love are:

  • "I fell in love with a star / She was bright / And beautiful / And out of reach"

  • "You are my favorite place / The one I always want to go back to / The one I never want to leave"

  • "I loved you / Like the moon loves the sun / Always chasing / Always following / Never touching"

  • "You broke my heart / Into a million pieces / And I scattered them / Across the galaxy / Hoping that one day / You would find them / And put me back together"

  • "I don't need you to be perfect / I just need you to be you / Because you are perfect to me"


Space is another major theme in this book. The poems use space as a metaphor, a setting, and a source of inspiration. The poems draw from various aspects of space, such as stars, planets, moons, comets, asteroids, black holes, supernovas, and galaxies. The poems also reflect on the wonders, mysteries, and dangers of space. Some examples of poems that deal with space are:

  • "We are made of stardust / The same stuff that created the universe / We are infinite / We are eternal"

  • "You are my planet / And I am your moon / We orbit each other / In perfect harmony"

  • "You are a comet / A shooting star / A flash of light / In the dark sky / You are a miracle / A rare sight / A once in a lifetime / Experience"

  • "You are a black hole / You suck me in / With your gravity / And I can't escape / You consume me / With your intensity / And I can't resist"

  • "You are a supernova / You explode with brilliance / And fill the universe with your light / You are a wonder / You dazzle with beauty / And leave everyone in awe"


Dust is the third and final theme in this book. The poems use dust as a symbol of mortality, imperfection, and transformation. The poems also show how dust can be both insignificant and essential, both mundane and magical. Some examples of poems that deal with dust are:

  • "We are nothing but dust / Tiny specks in the vast cosmos / We are insignificant / We are irrelevant"

  • "We are everything but dust / Unique sparks in the endless void / We are important / We are meaningful"

  • "We are dust and dreams / Fragile and fleeting / We are imperfect and beautiful"

  • "We are dust and magic / Powerful and eternal / We are divine and human"

  • "We came from dust / And we will return to dust / But in between / We will live and love and shine"

The style of Love and Space Dust

The style of Love and Space Dust is poetic, minimalist, and inspirational. Let's see how.


The style of Love and Space Dust is poetic because it uses various poetic devices, such as rhyme, rhythm, imagery, metaphor, simile, personification, alliteration, assonance, repetition, and contrast. These devices enhance the meaning, sound, and emotion of the poems. For example:

  • "You are my sun and moon and stars (metaphor) You light up my day and night (imagery) You are my everything (hyperbole)

  • "You make me feel alive (assonance) You make me feel free (rhyme) You make me feel like I can fly (simile)

  • "You were a storm (personification) You came without warning (alliteration) You shook me to my core (contrast)


The style of Love and Space Dust is minimalist because it uses simple words, short sentences, and concise expressions. The poems do not have any punctuation or capitalization, except for the titles. The poems also do not have any fixed structure or form. They vary in length, shape, and layout. The minimalist style creates a sense of simplicity, clarity, and elegance. For example:

  • "you are my poetrymy wordsmy voiceyou speak for mewhen i can'tspeak for myself"

is fulli miss youlike the ocean misses the shorewhen it's low tide"

  • "we are oneyou and iwe are onelike the sky and the seawe are onelike the fire and the airwe are onelike the earth and the life"


The style of Love and Space Dust is inspirational because it uses positive, uplifting, and motivational messages. The poems aim to inspire the reader to love themselves, love others, and love life. The poems also encourage the reader to pursue their dreams, overcome their challenges, and embrace their uniqueness. The inspirational style creates a sense of hope, joy, and empowerment. For example:

  • "You are amazingYou are beautifulYou are capableYou are deservingYou are enough"

  • "Don't let anyone tell youWhat you can or can't doWhat you should or shouldn't beWhat you can or can't achieveYou are the master of your own destiny"

  • "You have a purposeYou have a giftYou have a voiceYou have a choiceYou have a chance"

The format of Love and Space Dust

Love and Space Dust is available in three different formats: epub file, Kindle edition, and paperback edition. Let's see what each one offers.

Epub file

An epub file is a digital format that can be read on various devices, such as computers, tablets, smartphones, and e-readers. An epub file has several advantages, such as:

  • It is cheaper than a physical book.

  • It is easier to store and carry than a physical book.

  • It allows the reader to adjust the font size, style, and color according to their preference.

  • It supports hyperlinks, images, audio, and video.

An epub file also has some disadvantages, such as:

  • It requires a compatible device and software to read it.

  • It may not have the same quality and feel as a physical book.

  • It may not be compatible with some DRM (digital rights management) systems.

  • It may not be available in some regions or platforms.

Kindle edition

A Kindle edition is a digital format that can be read on Amazon's Kindle devices or apps. A Kindle edition has several advantages, such as:

  • It is cheaper than a physical book.

  • It is easier to store and carry than a physical book.

  • It allows the reader to adjust the font size, style, and color according to their preference.

  • It supports hyperlinks, images, audio, and video.

  • It syncs with Amazon's cloud service and other devices.

  • It offers access to Amazon's features and services, such as Whispersync, X-Ray, Goodreads, Kindle Unlimited, Prime Reading, etc.

A Kindle edition also has some disadvantages, such as:

  • It requires a Kindle device or app to read it.

  • It may not have the same quality and feel as a physical book.

  • It may not be compatible with some DRM (digital rights management) systems.

  • It may not be available in some regions or platforms.

Paperback edition

A paperback edition is a physical format that can be read on any surface. A paperback edition has several advantages, such as:

  • It has the same quality and feel as the original book.

  • It does not require any device or software to read it.

  • It can be easily shared or gifted to others.

  • It can be displayed on a shelf or a table as a decoration.

A paperback edition also has some disadvantages, such as:

  • It is more expensive than a digital book.

  • It is harder to store and carry than a digital book.

  • It does not allow the reader to adjust the font size, style, or color.

  • It does not support hyperlinks, images, audio, or video.

  • It may get damaged, lost, or stolen.


Summary of the main points

In this article, I have told you everything you need to know about Love and Space Dust, a collection of poems by David Jones that will take you on a poetic journey through the cosmos. I have discussed the themes, style, and format of this book, and given you my personal opinion and rating. To summarize, here are the main points:

  • Love and Space Dust is a collection of poems that explores the themes of love, space, and dust.

  • The author of Love and Space Dust is David Jones, a poet and writer from Liverpool, England.

  • You should read Love and Space Dust if you are looking for a book that will make you feel inspired, moved, and amazed.

  • The style of Love and Space Dust is poetic, minimalist, and inspirational.

  • Love and Space Dust is available in three different formats: epub file, Kindle edition, and paperback edition.

Recommendation and rating

I highly recommend Love and Space Dust to anyone who loves poetry, space, or both. It is a book that will touch your soul, expand your mind, and warm your heart. It is a book that will make you appreciate the beauty and complexity of the universe and yourself. It is a book that will make you fall in love with love and space dust.

I give Love and Space Dust a rating of 5 out of 5 stars. It is one of my favorite books of poetry, and I think it deserves all the praise and recognition it can get. It is a masterpiece of words and emotions, a gem of literature and art.

If you are interested in reading Love and Space Dust, you can find it on Amazon or You can also follow the author on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook to see more of his work. I hope you enjoy this book as much as I did!

# FAQs

  • What is the genre of Love and Space Dust?The genre of Love and Space Dust is poetry. It is a collection of poems that explores the themes of love, space, and dust.

  • How many poems are in Love and Space Dust?There are 120 poems in Love and Space Dust. They are divided into four sections: Stardust, Falling, Starlight, and Supernova.

  • Who is the target audience of Love and Space Dust?The target audience of Love and Space Dust is anyone who loves poetry, space, or both. It is also suitable for anyone who has ever experienced love in its various forms: romantic, platonic, familial, or self-love.

  • What are some similar books to Love and Space Dust?Some similar books to Love and Space Dust are: The Universe of Us by Lang Leav, Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur, The Sun and Her Flowers by Rupi Kaur, The Princess Saves Herself in This One by Amanda Lovelace, Astrophysics for People in a Hurry by Neil deGrasse Tyson, Cosmos by Carl Sagan, A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking.

  • Where can I buy Love and Space Dust?You can buy Love and Space Dust on Amazon or You can choose from three different formats: epub file, Kindle edition, or paperback edition.



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